Practicing Writing Through WordPress

Practicing Writing Through WordPress

Hey folks.

This is just an example of a blog. I’m practicing writing through WordPress to experiment with some things. On the back end of this I’m going to be looking at the format of this post to see how it looks visually and what type of things I can do from a content standpoint to improve it. I’ll also be trying out some different table of content formats to see how things like different headers and paragraphs look on it.

It’s a lot…

I’ve been working on this project off and on for awhile. This is my first attempt at genuinely building and blogging through WordPress and, while I enjoy many parts of the process, there’s definitely a learning curve in terms of the user interface, especially with so many options in terms of templates, themes, and plugins.

The good news is there are lots of options.


That right there. It looks nicer than the previous headings, but how essential is it? Does it help visually? Does it have some type of effect on SEO? I have no idea. But it’s something.

This is another header option.

I have no idea why my WordPress has a need for three different header options.

Here’s a quick usage of Openverse’s image search.

That’s pretty interesting. It’s definitely something one could quickly use to grab a quick image at least. You do have the option of removing the caption and since it’s through Openverse a person should be able to remove it if they want. I suppose I should try link to Openverse.

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As of this current writing I count well over 100
block options for formatting.

I believe dozens of them are from different recommended plugins I grabbed. There are definitely a handful that look incredibly useful. I’ve got to say overall the blocks and writing process through WordPress looks pretty good. We’ll just have to see what other options I can find for designing the website overall and this content in general. Anyway, I just wanted to post something so I could experiment a bit with design. Thanks for reading this if you randomly did.

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