In Which I Dive Into the Ridiculous Controversial Rumor Of DeAndre Hopkins Becoming A Raven

There is literally a zero percent chance of DeAndre Hopkins becoming a raven. One hundred percent not going to happen. Nothing like it has ever happened and for people to be spreading rumors otherwise is, at best, purely misinformation.

Someone Spreads A Rumor Like This ONE TIME



OK, To Be Fair

Some people have put incredibly deep thought into it, but not without controversy.

And Now We’re Expected To Believe DeAndre Hopkins Could Become A Raven?

Not going to happen. Literally impossible for DeAndre Hopkins to become a raven. You can quote me on that.

1 thought on “In Which I Dive Into the Ridiculous Controversial Rumor Of DeAndre Hopkins Becoming A Raven”

  1. Pingback: My Top 32 Landing Spots For DeAndre Hopkins In Order Of Where They Fall Alphabetically - Marketurble Online

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